This course is a recording of a live-webinar

Helping Students to Remember

In this course, Chris Quigley introduces strategies and techniques aimed at helping students overcome the challenge of retaining academic content in their long-term memory. Participants will gain practical insights and effective tools to enhance student learning outcomes by exploring the fundamental principles of learning and memory. This course emphasises seven research-based strategies: Dual Coding, Graphic Organisers, Page Layout, Sketch Notes, Retrieval Practice, Metacognition, and Writing to Learn.

1: Introduction to Memory and Learning

  • Understanding the importance of long-term memory in the learning process.
  • Exploring the limitations of academic content retention.
  • The role of memory in academic achievement.
  • Overview of the seven strategies for improving memory and learning.

2: Dual Coding

  • Dual Coding Theory and its application in the classroom.
  • Integrating visual and verbal representations for effective learning.
  • Strategies for pairing words and visuals to enhance memory encoding.
  • Implementing dual coding techniques across various subjects and year groups.

3: Graphic Organisers

  • The power of graphic organisers in organising and connecting information.
  • Using concept maps, mind maps, and flowcharts to support comprehension and memory.
  • Creating graphic organisers for different subjects and learning objectives.


4: Page Layout

  • Understanding the impact of page layout on information retention.
  • Optimising presentations and other learning materials for memory enhancement.
  • Strategies for creating visually appealing and memory-friendly page layouts.
  • Incorporating effective formatting techniques to highlight key concepts and relationships.


5: Sketch Notes

  • Introduction to sketch notes as a visual note-taking method.
  • Using visuals, icons, and symbols to represent information.
  • Enhancing comprehension and memory through active engagement with sketch notes.
  • Practical tips and techniques for implementing sketch notes in the classroom.

6: Retrieval Practice

  • The benefits of retrieval practice for long-term memory formation.
  • Implementing frequent and varied retrieval activities.
  • Creating quizzes, flashcards, and other retrieval tools.
  • Encouraging self-testing for memory consolidation.

7: Metacognition and Self-Regulation

  • Exploring definitions of metacognition and self-regulation.
  • Understanding the role of metacognition in memory and learning.
  • Developing students' metacognitive strategies for effective learning.
  • Teaching students to monitor their thinking and evaluate their learning strategies.
  • Using metacognitive strategies to enhance memory consolidation and retrieval.


8: Writing to Learn

  • Exploring the connection between writing and memory consolidation.
  • Using writing activities to deepen understanding and retention of academic content.
  • Integrating writing prompts, summaries, and reflections into lesson plans.
  • Providing effective feedback to support students' writing and learning process.

9: Putting It All Together

  • Reflecting on the seven strategies and their potential synergies.
  • Designing integrated lessons incorporating multiple memory-enhancing techniques.
  • Creating a supportive classroom environment for memory-focused learning.
  • Developing a personalised action plan for implementing the strategies in participants' teaching practice.



By the end of this course, Chris will equip participants with diverse evidence-based strategies and practical tools to help their students overcome the challenge of retaining academic content. With these strategies, teachers can foster a more engaging and effective learning environment that supports long-term memory formation and enhances students' overall learning outcomes.