Chris Quigley On-Demand
Chris Quigley On-Demand is where you can study the most popular courses from Chris and his team.
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Here are the courses currently available (more coming soon)
Oracy is one of the most powerful learning tools, yet too often, it is not given the same status as reading and writing. This course shows you how to develop a whole-school progressive Oracy Framework.
Metacognition—monitoring and controlling one's thought processes—is a powerful tool that can transform learning, helping students make substantially improved progress. This course provides a practical toolkit of strategies applicable from Early Years
This course offers an in-depth exploration of integrating substantive and disciplinary knowledge within the English primary National Curriculum.
Chris will share eight evidence-informed strategies that help students better remember curriculum content.
Part 1 Chris will demonstrate how schools can create a qualitative progression model. Part 2 Chris will explore the three types of assessment and practical techniques to implement them.
Chris will present the case for and demonstrate how schools can create a qualitative progression model. He will also show how such a model gives schools genuine evidence of student progress.
Following on from Part 1, Chris will explain the three types of assessment, their purposes, audiences and frequency. He will then provide and explain a wide range of practical techniques.
In this session, Chris will summarise research from the Educational Endowment Foundation that outlines five approaches that support students with additional needs in mainstream classrooms.
In this session, Chris will explore Paivio’s Dual Coding Theory and how it can be used to make learning stick.
Chris will guide you through a series of evaluation activities which will allow you to substantiate your answers to the following questions: How effective is your curriculum? and How do you know?
This highly practical, evidence-based course will help you to teach your students to write effectively across the curriculum and, in doing so, help them to develop a deep understanding of the topics they write about.
Retrieval - the act of active recall - is one of the most effective ways to improve knowledge retention. This course is a practical guide to what we mean by retrieval practice, the evidence that supports its use and 40 practical strategies.
Through three video lessons learn about: the pressing need for vocabulary to be prioritised within curriculum planning; how to create a whole-school vocabulary spine; how to introduce new vocabulary and how to deepen students' understanding of it.
Learn about the latest research from cognitive scientists on how learning happens. Find out about implications for both curriculum design and classroom practice. With 76 take-aways, this is a practical and informative piece of CPD for all teachers
The EYFS framework was updated in September 2021. Find out about what this means for curriculum design in this highly practical, research-based course.